Ceremonies of Bali – Introduction

One of the things that made Bali, the island of the gods, famous are the many ceremonies of Bali. Whatever period of the year you visit Bali, there will always be enough opportunities to witness religious ceremonies- at the temples, at house compounds, and even on the streets.

Ceremonies of Bali

Calendar defined religious ceremonies of Bali (in alphabetic order)

  1. Anggara Kasih (Anggara Keliwon)
  2. Anggara Pahing Medangkungan
  3. Banyu Penaruh
  4. Bhatari Sri
  5. Budha Cemeng
  6. Budha Kliwon
  7. Coma Ribek
  8. Coma Umanis
  9. Galungan ceremonial days (sequential):
    • Tumpek Uduh/Pengatag
    • Sugian Pengenten
    • Sugian Jawa
    • Sugian Bali
    • Penyekeban
    • Penyajaan Galungan
    • Penampahan Galungan
    • Galungan Day
    • Ngelawang Ceremony
    • Umanis Galungan
    • Ulihan\Tumpek Kuningan
  10. Pemacekan Agung
  11. Kajeng Keliwon
  12. Melasti
  13. Ngelawang
  14. Ngembak Gemi
  15. Nyepi
  16. Odalan (Temple Festivals)
  17. Ogoh-Ogoh
  18. Pagerwesi
  19. Paid-Paidan
  20. Patetegan
  21. Pengeredangan
  22. Purnama (Full Moon ceremony)
  23. Redite Umanis
  24. Sabuh Mas
  25. Saniscara Kliwon
  26. Saraswati Ceremonial Days (sequential)
    • Saraswati Day
    • Banyu Pinaruh Saraswati Ceremonies
    • Soma Ribek
    • Sabuh Mas
    • Pagerwesi
  27. Siwaratri
  28. Taur Kesanga
  29. Tilem (New Moon ceremony)
  30. Tumpek ceremonial days (sequential):
    • Tumpek Landep
    • Tumpek Uduh/Pengatag
    • Tumpek Kuningan
    • Tumpek Krulut
    • Tumpek Kandang
    • Tumpek Wayang
  31. Urip
  32. Watugunung Runtuh

Family Ceremonies

  1. Three months ceremony (Tiga Bulanan)
  2. Six months ceremony (Otonan)
  3. Tooth filing ceremony (Mapandes)
  4. Marriage ceremony (Kakawinan)
  5. Cleansing ceremony (Mawinten)
  6. Funeral ceremony (Ngaben)

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